Friday, December 27, 2019

All the Best Free Career Resources and Tools - The Muse

All the Best Free Career Resources and Tools - The MuseAll the Best Free Career Resources and ToolsMaybe Im just speaking for myself here, but nothing gets me more excited than seeing the word free, paired with something that I actually want- whether its a class, app, or book- the one-syllable word makes me feel like Ive won the lottery in a small sense. I know, its not quite as exciting as actually holding that winning ticket, but this is me finding joy in the small things. And instead of sending you over to a coupon site filled with pop-ups and annoying forums, weve compiled some of our best articles filled with free resources that are available for you to try today. 1. 10 Free Classes to Learn to Code (if You Have Absolutely No Idea Where to Start)If youve been kicking around the idea of learning how to code but feel clueless on how to get started, this is for you.3. 13 Free Classes to Help You Manage Your Personal Finances (Like an Adult)If you want to better manage your personal finances, ansicht 13 free online classes are just what you need to become a money expert.3. 7 Free Short Classes You Can Take (and Finish) on Your Lunch BreakWant to boost your resume, but dont have a ton of time? Here are seven short online courses that will help you do just this in less than an hour.4. 7 Free Tutorials Thatll Help You Brush Up on Key Job Skills (From Your Couch)Why not spend a few minutes of your YouTube time on something productive? These tutorials will sharpen skills- ranging from Google Analytics to Photoshop to Excel. 5. 64 Free Resources to Teach Yourself to Code (Without Leaving Your Couch)You have no excuse now for putting off learning code. Heres a compilation of courses, written tutorials, blogs, YouTube channels, ebooks, online communities, and even in-person workshops, handily arranged based on topic. 6. The Free App That Makes it Easy to End Every Day on a Good NoteNeed help practicing active gratitude, particularly when work gets stressful? The app s ends daily reminders to recognize all that you appreciate.7. 5 Free Note-Taking Apps Thatll Help You Keep Track of Everything (and Anything)Not sure how to keep all the important information in your life straight? From digitizing your to-do lists to documenting spontaneous brainstorms, one of these will get you organized once and for all.8. 275 Free Resume Templates You Can Use Right Nowmucksmuschenstill struggling with how to format your resume? These Microsoft-Word compatible templates will have your most important career doc looking professional and oh-so-polished.9. 8 Career-Boosting Books You Can Now Read for Free if You Have Amazon PrimeCheck out some of the best career-centric books available on Prime. If you dont happen to have the service- dont worry, you can try your local library instead. 10. 30 Free Ways to Find the Answer to What Should I Do With My Life?Intimidated by the myriad resources for finding your career path? It can be hard (not to mention expensive) to sort t hrough everything. Thankfully, weve compiled books, podcasts, TED talks, and articles- all intended to help you find your passion.11. This New Free Design Tool Just Made it Way Easier to Pull Off Amazing PresentationsDesigning doesnt come easily to most people. Thanks to Adobes product, Spark, it can- with templates for photos, pages, and videos that anyone can use.12. The Free Resume Tool Thatll Trick People Into Thinking You Paid a Professional to Design ItUpdating your resume is not fun, but this website makes it a whole lot easier. Say goodbye to all your frustrating formatting issues this site will turn your resume into a polished, beautifully designed piece of paper youll be proud to have your name on.13. 5 Quick, Easy, (and Free) Ways to Create an Awesome Email Signature TodayDont underestimate the little things that go along with professional best practices, like your email signature. You can upgrade your signature with websites and apps that feature your contact information , social profiles, and achievements.As you can see, improving yourself and trying new things doesnt have to be expensive. So whats to lose (maybe just a lunch break or two)? In the next few months, why not try your hand at a new tech skill or give your resume that new format it so badly needs. You never know what will happen, but at the very least you wont go broke trying. Photo of couple looking at tablet of blank/Getty Images.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

How to Sell Yourself in the Workplace

How to Sell Yourself in the Workdistributions-mix How to Sell Yourself in the Workplace Know thyselfWhen was the last time you sat down and reviewed your career accomplishments, and audited your strengths and weaknesses? Are you aware of the type of value you consistently bring to a team? Are you typically the person that puts structures and processes in place or the person who comes up with creative solutions to complex problems? Can you describe in specific detail how your contribution has made a distinct difference to the process and outcome of the projects that you have worked on in the past? Taking stock of how far you have come helps you begin to understand the value that you can bring to an organisation and positions you to better articulate that value.Know the companyIt pays to conduct a thorough research of the company you work for or are interviewing for. If you are interviewing for a new position, you can demonstrate your value by notlage only explaining the relevant exp erience that you have built up, but by taking it one step further and describing how that experience would be valuable for this potential new employer. If you are already working for the organisation, you can provide evidence of how your role has made a difference to the growth strategy of the organisation.Use data to back up your assertions of valueIf your role has led to decreased cost, increased revenue or saved time, then it is in your interest to record this data for use during key meetings with managers to build your case for promotion, increased responsibility or salary. Where this has been documented in detail, the facts speak for themselves and help build a strong case for your value without you having to sell yourself in qualitative terms.Forward thinking and planningMany assume that in order to sell yourself you need to look to the past in order to catalog your achievements. However, selling yourself includes recognizing your current weaknesses and how they might impact y our future career goals. If you have constructed a clear plan to tackle these weaknesses, then this not only demonstrates maturity but also the ability to reflect and improve.All work and no playMany employees focus on their workplace skills and experience in order to sell themselves but sometimes your out of work activities can be what demonstrates that you are a rounded person. Perhaps you volunteer, that not only shows that you like to give back to your community but is a great way to develop leadership skills. Maybe you play a team sport? That is usually a good indicator of someone who may be able to work well in a team. Perhaps you have achieved a black belt in karate? That shows discipline and perseverance. Often non work activities can be a key factor in demonstrating your value to a potential or existing employer.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Changing Careers Without Going Back to School

Changing Careers Without Going Back to SchoolChanging Careers Without Going Back to SchoolChanging Careers Without Going Back to School Are you thinking about changing careers?Making a move to a more rewarding position thats a better fit can seem overwhelming, especially if you think you may have to go back to school in order to change careers. However, not everyone has to go back to school in order to change careers. It just takes a little extra planning, a lot of focus on skills you already have and a great resume to highlight those transferable skills.To start changing careers without going back to school, first think about the occupation youre looking to transition into and whether its well-suited for you. Does the career typically utilize skills you already have, or will you need to learn a number of new skills? Will the new career provide on-the-job training (OJT) or do you have to come in already an expert?Do your best to make sure youll be happy changing careers by thinking a bout the job description. Are the main requirements of the role something that youre good at or excited about? For example, if youre not comfortable speaking in front of others, but the position has a good absprache of presenting, you may want to reconsider. Changing careers can be exciting, but if its a big move, you should take the time to ensure its the right one.Jot down a list of the new careers you are considering, and include which would require additional education, which would use skills you think you may already have and which may provide on-the-job training.Next, take a look at the skills you presently have, those that are considered transferable skills. Are you great at customer service? Are you an excel sheet whiz? Make a list of everything that youre great at in your current position as well as everything that you love about it. Include even the small tasks that you love. Once you make a list, it may become clear which skills you already have that are transferable.Then , compare the list of potential new positions youre considering to the list of transferable skills. This may make changing careers (and writing your new resume) easier than you think. If youre changing careers without going back to school, narrow down the list by finding positions that may utilize your transferable skills. Instead of going back to school, you may need to consider taking a small online course, attending a workshop, or applying for an internship or apprenticeship - even as an adultHowever, if youve always dreamed of being a lawyer, nurse or another position that would require additional schooling, now is the time to look into what it would take. Consider carefully whether youre ready to take on the time and financial commitment.If youre changing careers without going back to school and relying on your transferable skills, your resume is even more important. Its critical to present those transferable skills to a hiring manager so they can clearly see the relevance your skills have to the position theyre looking to fill. Otherwise, they may peg you as not a great fit based solely on your past career experience.Need help with your resume?Get a free critique today.

Friday, December 13, 2019

How to lead with influence instead of authority

How to lead with influence instead of authorityHow to lead with influence instead of authorityClearly, leadership potential exists within each of us. That potential can be triggered by outside events, or it can be learned by exploring ourselves from within. In this article, we will focus on the latter approach. Once you learn the superpower of gig economy leadership, you will be able to build the confidence it takes to take the lead and influence and leap tall buildings in a single bound.They say that leaders are born, not made. While it is true that some people are born leaders, most leaders are forged the flames of adversity. Often, it is the individual contributor who has never had a leadership role will stand up and take the lead when a situation they care about requires it. As long as there have been leaders, there have been those who tried to determine how and why they were successful. It is important to understand that leadership is not about title, level, or office. Equally important to mention is that the best of leaders are even better followers.Ladders is now on SmartNewsDownload the SmartNews app and add the Ladders channel to read the latest career news and advice wherever you go.Leadership is not telling others what to do. Leadership is inspiring others to do what needs to be done. A title alone does not make you a leader. Genuine leaders take a stand and motivate others to join them in a noble purpose. It is through the skills of influence that leadership works best. Everyone has leadership potential within them, and understanding these concepts will help you maximize your leadership ability whether you lead a kollektiv, or as an individual contributor without positional authority.Influence is subtle, yet incredibly powerful. You can order someone to do a task, but you cannot order them to do their best. It simply does not work and usually has the opposite effect. You can influence people to do their best by providing a strong, motivating exampl e in addition to positive reinforcement. Leadership addresses tasks, while influence addresses attitudes and awareness. Influence is the soul of leadership. What are the attributes of an individual who is influential without authority?Knowledge that is valued by those in authority because of institutional memory and administrative turnoverCredibility built through actions, such as thinking beyond oneself and working towards building a larger mutually beneficial goalIntegrity shown through possessing a set of core values that guide what they do, combined with an ability to project core values through actionsLeadership is neither for the timid nor for the arrogant. Confidence is often resented or misinterpreted for arrogance. People who lack self-confidence often feel intimidated by a true leader. This should never hold you back. If you have honesty, integrity and deal with everyone fairly, then others will see that. Be willing to listen to criticism, but also consider the source. I f you are too afraid of what others might say about you, or you ignore legitimate complaints insisting on respect solely because of your position, you will lose the respect and cooperation of your followers and peers.Believe it or not, the most powerful influence you can have is often not trying to influence someone. When people believe you are open to their suggestions and believe they have been heard, they will work harder even if they disagree with the methods or goals. That is the power of listening. Simply listening to others makes them feel empowered, even if you dont accept their suggestions. If a part feels theres no point talking to you, they wont, and they will disengage themselves and only follow your directions begrudgingly. So how do you exert influence without authority?Understand those whom you want to influenceFocus primarily on attributes of those who are recognized as influential without authority because they are able to effectively use those attributes in a varie ty of contexts in order to either be heard or influence othersRaise questions without seeming to push an agenda, especially when you are socially or in a vulnerable positionYou by now have heard the age-old anecdote that perception is reality. And that is a truth in influencing. You must always present an honest, caring, dedicated attitude to inspire your employees and peers. In addition to truly inspiring loyalty, you must also have a proven track record of honesty and fairness in the face of adversity. If any of your followers feel you have wronged them, for whatever reason, you need to address the issue immediately. People talk, and a problem that is ignored today is a problem that can grow into team eroding conflict later.Leading without influence means making it a point to be seen by your team every day, which sends a powerful message to everyone. If you are seen as going the extra mile, your team is more likely to go the extra mile. If you hide in your office and people never see you, you will be perceived as out of the loop, uninformed, uninterested, and therefore unworthy to lead.The more experience you have using your new leadership superpower, the easier it will be for you to be an agile leader. While it is never easy to take the lead, or easy to make in the moment decisions and face challenges, it can become natural and rewarding as you become a force for good leadership in todays gig economy workforce.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The True Story About Owl Purdue Resume That the Experts Dont Want You to Know

The True Story About Owl Purdue Resume That the Experts Dont Want You to Know Understanding Owl Purdue Resume The Interactive Resume resource comprises a sample resume on which you are able to click each section to find out more about different sections of the resume and the way to compose each section of the resume. Resumes ought to be regularly improved, customized and modified as a means to suit the needs of the task seeker. Targeted resumes present the info in a potent light, as it demonstrates that the applicant crafted the resume specifically for the position. Username, You should have a Username. The Academic Writing Course is intended to introduce students to the rhetorical structures of the various genres utilised in academic writing. Before beginning to write your resume, its a great concept to comprehend what it is youre writing, why youre writing it, and whats expected as you write it. Then the very best way is place a request I want to acquire essay papers written . Our writers always create unique content that is totally free from all grammatical error. Yes, theres a person who can aid you with your essays expert essay writers at MyPerfectWords.If you opt to include an objective on your resume, just make certain its related to the job which you are applying for. The duration of the statement is dependent on the admissions committee. Of course you might also be searching for an alternate job because of personal explanations. It is crucial to check with your program to see whether observation hours are accepted. The potential for contributing to the increase of your bank is exciting, and I would love to explore an expected employment match that Im confident is going to be a win-win proposition. A good deal of individuals might love to acquire a higher work. If youre on the lookout for work, you might be brief on cash. A number of bucks wont help you wind up with a good paper. zugreifbar writing labs play a significant role in writing center assistance since they allow writers to use a number of the centers resources remotely. Its well-known that plenty of students dont understand how to run a research on a level thats acceptable and correct. You may easily depend on us to find essay help as we have a tendency to assist and guide the students with the assistance of our professional experts. Gladly, theres an expert on-line help that could help you with any kind of academic paper. Yes and no so you can write the work earning continue only once you have thorough comprehension of job application writing. While theres an abundance of job listings for medical billers and coders, newly-certified professionals may have a tough time finding positions that satisfy their place, compensation, and scheduling requirements. To begin with, you can analyze the work posting that the business enterprise creating to determine precisely what is necessary for the positioning. Define the company enterprise and profession you wis h to find work in. Something as simple as finding the best person to control your resume cover letter may have a significant effects. Many occasions the ideal job applicant is screened out due to a bad job application. Much enjoy a work program, youre convincing someone to supply you with money dependent on the merits of your work. Great visual design and style may be thought of a positive add-on for the proper folks. Its possible to check our samples to see several unique formats. Some databases have citation solutions, and there are several web-based generators. Templates also show you exactly what elements you will need to put in your document. To start with, they should be extensive. For some positions, you might leid have the ability to apply. Additionally, there are certain sections most men and women include in their CVs. Information about the individual supervisors can be seen on our site at Its the very same with resumes.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

4 Tips for Hiring Long-Term Employees - Spark Hire

4 Tips for Hiring Long-Term Employees - Spark HireWhen you are hiring for any position, you want to be sure you are hiring long-term employees. You dont want to have to fall back into the hiring process all over again. Especially since, on average, it takes about 65 days for a hiring manager to fill an open position. With those 65 days comes a loss of productivity, a loss of revenue and the potential for a lot of stress. Needless to say, when you hire once you want to be sure you wont have to do it again for quite some time. So what can you do to be sure you are hiring employees that are in it for the long-haul?A lot of that depends heavily on you and how much you probe in the hiring process. You need to ask specific bewerbungsinterview questions that can give you insight into how long this candidate is willing to stick around. Recently Spark Hire touched on how you can tell if you are interviewing a right now job seeker. In light of that, lets take a look at how you can tell if you are speaking with a candidate that will stay in your company longer than just a few months.Know the Manager/Supervisor Over the RoleManagement style is a big reason why employees choose to leave their jobs. In fact, 17 percent of employees stated management or general work environment as the reason for leaving their previous company. Therefore, in order to make a great hire you should definitely know your management style or the management style of the person above this particular role. That way, when a candidate tells you what kind of work environment they prefer you can gauge if they would be a good fit or not.Also, asking interview questions about preferred working environment will give you insight into how long this candidate will be able to stick around. If an employee does not fit in with the company culture you have then chances are they will leave as soon as another opportunity arises. Whats great is that you can use video interviews to ask interview questions like this righ t away in the hiring process. If their answer does not fit with your needs, then you can move onto another candidate. No time is wasted on your end- or theirs.Accurate Job DescriptionsNot too long ago we discussed how important it is for employers and hiring managers to compose accurate and in-depth job descriptions for job seekers. For starters, if you are not depicting a clear prestige of the job you are trying to fill, then you likely wont attract top talent. Job seekers want to know what they are in for when they apply for a job at your company and what the role entails. Not doing so can result in recruiting job seekers that are simply looking for any kind of job and a paycheck. On top of that, if they start the job and are expected to execute tasks that were not discussed in the job interview or in the job description, they may feel cheated and confused. That can easily lead to them leaving your company and trying to find a new job. Dont be a bait and switch employer. Instead, attract long-term employees with accurate and clear job descriptions.MobilityYou should find out early on in the hiring process if your job seekers are looking for a stable position or one they can easily and quickly move up the ladder. If you hire job seekers that are looking to advance their career in a short period of time, then they will likely be disappointed when it never happens. Or when it happens at a pace they feel is too slow. Considering 32 percent of employees leave their employers because of this exact reason, you need to be clear and honest about the position. Ask interview questions early on in the hiring process to see where this candidate wants to go in their career. Are they looking for a position they can take hold of and grow? Do they want to move up the ladder in the next 5-10 years? Are they simply looking for a specific role they can stay in for years?You can find the answers to these interview questions early on in the hiring process when you use video inter views. In your one-way video interviews with job seekers you can ask them what their career goals are right now. Where do they see themselves in five years? You can also probe deeper in a live video interview and discuss this with them face to face. What do they expect from this role and the company? Find out early on to be sure you are bringing on employees that will stick.SalaryFinally, its no secret that a lot of employees leave a company to seek higher pay. The figure is 22 percent to be exact. So in order to retain employees and be sure they are satisfied, you need to make sure you are offering a competitive salary. Know the industry standards for this position and factor in the candidates experience and skills. If they are top talent and you are not willing to pay them adequately, remember that some other company will.What are some interview questions you ask in the job interview to make sure you hiring long-term employees? Share with us in the comments section belowIMAGE Cour tesy of Flickr by A Pillow of Winds

Thursday, November 28, 2019

3 Tips to Spring Clean Your Resume

3 Tips to Spring Clean Your Resume3 Tips to Spring Clean Your Resume3 Tips to Spring Clean Your ResumeIts time to dust off that resume and make it shiny and new just in time for spring. TWEETYouve cleaned your closet and donated those old clothes to the Salvation Army, moved furniture around to find about $10 hiding in the corner, and dusted every bunny with a vengeance. Spring cleaning doesnt have to stop there. Theres still time to dust off that old resume and polish up the edges. Here are three hidden gems to get your resume shining again.Resumes are no different from that closet jammed with last years lineup. There may be a few hidden surprises, after all, just as dust seems to gather under your couch, dust accumulates on your document. Not to worry, editing those two pages hopefully theres no more is not as hard as your previous chores. But its a lot more rewarding. So grab a highlighter and red pen and jump to it with this resume help.Step 1 Get rid of last years junkNothing says stale resume like twenty year old experience. If your resume reads like a fairytale think Once Upon a Time in a Distant Kingdom its time to move on. No one is really interested in your internships or entry-level positions, unless youre still starting out fresh. Resume tip everything old and outdated must go. Here are a few sections to pay close attention toTechnical ProficienciesExperience and InternshipsCollege Awards, Scholarships and MembershipsOld LicensesOutdated SkillsStart at the bottom of your experience list, assuming its in chronological order from most recent to least recent, and cross out all jobs and experiences more than 15 years old. This includes large and small positions. If you feel the job is important, highlight it, and we will come back to behauptung important events.Next, look over your certifications, professional development and technical skills. Delete all software, training and development thats no longer in use. For example, if you have experience w ith all versions of Word, delete all but the last two versions. They are still in use. The exception to this rule is Windows XP. Many businesses didnt upgrade to Vista, 7 or 8. They still used the solid XP version. This is still a relevant skill.In other words, examine all of the content on your resume and make sure that every piece of information youve chosen to include demonstrates your current and most relevant values. Old information is detrimental to your career path. It screams you are lazy and not willing to advance yourself or the company, so be sure to take this resume help into consideration.Step 2 Look for those hidden gemsLets look at the experience you highlighted in the first step. If you think there are older experiences still valuable to your career, it is best to highlight these as a standalone notable contribution. If the position itself is important, list it as additional experience. Listing additional experience is simple. Delete all job descriptions, dates, loca tions and identifiers. Leave only the company name and title. Here is a simple formatted example for listing these positionsAdditional Experience JP Morgan Chase, Operations Manager Wachovia Bank, Client Access Manager Bank of America, Collections Asset Protection Manager Bank of America, Branch ManagerNext, look at your job descriptions. We can list these as either notable contributions or key skills assessment. Choose ten of your descriptions that had direct, quantifiable results on the businesss key areas (i.e. client retention, marketing initiatives, revenue, workforce reduction, etc.). Pull up the numbers for these results and rewrite them into achieving statements. For example, Served on the Executive Budget Committee for two years is easily translated into Reduced re-work by 27% and cut expenses by $435,000 annually by...Step 3 The dust has settled, whats missing?Look at your current job or last position and see what skills, job description and professional development youve added to your portfolio. Did you include it in your resume? Are your most important skills and areas of expertise up to date with current keywords? These are items hiring managers look for in new applicants.Next think about the job you want. What are the requirements? Research keywords and skills. Look for training and development matching your own. Does your old experience match these conditions? You may be surprised to find you have the skills necessary for that promotion or new job. Preparation Goes a Long WaySpring cleaning is easier when you do monthly maintenance work around the house. Many people clean their filters, move furniture and clean out closets more frequently. The same is true with resumes. Dont wait until you start looking for a job. Sometimes you may not have time to freshen up the resume before a job opportunity comes knocking. Every three months, look over your resume and take steps to keep it fresh. Schedule times in your calendar to remind you to take on the task.Stay up to date with career blogs. Many career search sites have great career advice to maintain your resume. Visit your local community college or Department of Labor. These organizations frequently have resume editing and review services. Some even have resume writing and mock interview classes to help you stay in the job game.Always remember, a little effort and resume help goes a long way in finding a job and keeping your resume looking its best.Need more resume tips? Our TopResume writers can help

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Sample Resume for Industrial Engineer Job Position

Sample Resume for Industrial Engineer Job PositionSample Resume for Industrial Engineer Job PositionCreate this Resume Octavia Goble1553 Bassel StreetHarahan, LA 70123(666)-567-9955o.goblesmail.comObjectiveTo work as an Industrial Engineer in fast growing telecommunications or manufacturing company to drive facility performance including productivity, accuracy, capacity and efficiency.Summary of QualificationsProject and process management skillsAbility to handle efficient work involving design workflows, measurement assessments, lowering of expenses and OPEXExperience with work measurement methodologies and toolsExcellent PC skills Excel, Access, Word, PowerPointExperienced in developing database reportsProfessional ExperienceSenior Industrial Engineer, January 2007- PresentTyco Electronics, Jonestown, PA ResponsibilitiesHandled the companys engineering activities especially those involving projects built from the ground up.Engaged in facilities and fleet administration, warehousi ng and logistics.Developed internal workflows that optimizes gruppe productivity.Executed and performed New Product and Process Development of Electrical ConnectorsExecuted and performed Cost Reduction Activities and Process Improvements.Interfaced with suppliers on process and quality improvement initiatives.Industrial Engineer, May 2004- December 2006ModCloth, Pittsburgh, PA ResponsibilitiesExecuted and performed analysis, recommendation, and implementation of enhancements to existing work methods flows and processes to increase throughput.Identified, proposed and developed key reporting through MS Access, Excel and other reporting tools.Provided the team with support in terms of design and development of store backroom partitions, work and office layouts.Executed and performed collection of data to assist in the development of distribution center and capital budgets.Executed and performed design, selection and installation of material handling equipment incorporated into existing , new and expanded distribution centers.EducationMasters Degree in Industrial Engineering, 2004Yale UniversityBachelors Degree in Industrial Engineering, 2002Yale University Customize ResumeMore Sample ResumesIndustrial Engineer Resume Instructional Designer Resume Instructor Resume

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Layoff dos and donts

Layoff dos and dontsLayoff dos and dontsTo law firmsDont be cheap with severance payoutsDo offer generous packagesDont keep staff on pins and needlesDont try to pass off layoffs as performance-based cuts (see also last years PR firing fiasco)If you have to lay folks off, do it with classTo lawyersDo retain a sense of humorBut dont get too creative with your cover letterIf youre in debt, do look into renegotiating interest paymentsBut dont skip out on your law school loansAnd dont spend your salary advance too quicklyDo consider rebranding yourself for a tighter job market- posted by vera