Monday, July 27, 2020

Candidate Experience 2013 by the Numbers

Candidate Experience 2013 by the Numbers Candidate Experience 2013 by the Numbers #thecandidate It’s Candidate Experience week on Blogging4Jobs powered by the cool folks at  Talent Circles. Check back this week to follow 25+ blogs published on Candidate Experience and follow the conversation on twitter at #thecandidate.   Candidate Experience 2013 by the Numbers #thecandidate Talent Board, the founding organization of the Candidate Experience Awards, continues to analyze the North American survey data collected from over 122 initial companies and 46,000 candidates, and the results continue to reflect that a positive candidate experience is a differentiator for organizations.   With the initial publication of the first CandE Awards 2013 infographic, we focused our efforts on the overall data collected and found a few trends that have shifted from our 2012 research. Here are a few highlights. Candidate Trends We continue to see five generations with a passion to work. The candidate survey data supports that there are truly five generations that are seeking new opportunities. Details on the largest categories are included in the infographic, with Traditionalist (those older than 65) and Generation Y (those under age 20) filling in the remainder. Candidates also told us that they are more likely to talk about their positive and negative experiences with their inner circle as well as publish their experience on social media channels. The trend line from 2012 to 2013 established a 50 percent increase in the intent to share those experiences. Employer Trends Employers that competed for the award this year, were increasingly focused on providing the candidate information along the process and in several cases going the extra mile to inform the candidate why they were not selected, and provide that feedback in a personal email from the recruiter or phone call. This level of communication and service was recognized and appreciated by the candidates that responded to similar questions, commenting on the value of knowing where they were in the process, and respecting the fact they were not selected while appreciating the feedback on how to improve their chances with their next application. Employers have also taken steps to measure their candidate experience consistently and throughout their recruiting process. In most cases employers referenced their current efforts and plan to survey candidates during the recruiting process to identify opportunities for improvement and ensure a better experience overall. .ai-rotate {position: relative;} .ai-rotate-hidden {visibility: hidden;} .ai-rotate-hidden-2 {position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;} .ai-list-data, .ai-ip-data, .ai-fallback, .ai-list-block {visibility: hidden; position: absolute; width: 50%; height: 1px; z-index: -9999;} While there is no magic formula to guarantee a positive candidate experience every time, the employers that won a 2013 CandE Award deserve recognition for their efforts, their willingness to learn from their candidates feedback and their passion for their respective brands. Were delighted to recognize all 64 organizations for their efforts.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Marine Corps Physical Fitness Charts

Marine Corps Physical Fitness Charts Marine Corps Physical Fitness Charts In the Marine Corps, Marines are relied upon to be fit and should pass two distinct kinds of wellness tests - the Physical Fitness Test and the Combat Fitness Test. Both have been updated without precedent for decades. As of January 2017, the United States Marine Corps refreshed its wellness guidelines including another activity alternative (push-ups) and changing the greatest and least reiterations and times for scoring impeccably on the test just as making the base principles harder. New age bunches have likewise been made to reflect increasingly precise changes in normal age and wellness capacities. Each Marine must be genuinely fit, paying little mind to age, evaluation, or employment (MOS). Wellness is basic to the everyday viability and battle availability of the Marine Corps. The propensities for self-control required to pick up and keep up an elevated level of physical wellness are innate to the Marine Corps lifestyle and must be a piece of the character of each Marine. The individuals who try to become Marines should initially breeze through the Initial Strength Assessment (IST), and all Marines are required to finish a yearly Physical Fitness Assessment (PFT) and Combat Fitness Test (CFT). Here is the succession of occasions of the new wellness guidelines of the PFT: Pull-up The greatest guidelines have changed. For the 17-multi year old male the standard to max the PFT has not changed, anyway from the ages of 25-35 you presently need to do 23 force ups to max that segment of the wellness test. The objective of the draw up occasion is for the Marine to execute the same number of precise and complete force ups before dropping off the bar. This is anything but a planned occasion. The bar must be gotten a handle on with the two palms confronting either forward or to the back. No kipping permitted (carrying knees up even to waist). One reiteration comprises of raising the body with the arms until the jaw is over the bar, and afterward bringing down the body until the arms are completely expanded. Push-ups - Pull-up Hybrid The new change additionally permits the Marine to pick between pull-ups or push-ups. The Marine who picks push-ups won't max the test with a 300 regardless of whether he/she can score the greatest focuses on the push-ups. So the push-ups are not weighted as intensely as the force ups. Truth be told to max the push-up test a 17-20 ages Marine needs to score 82 push-ups, in any case, rather than 100 focuses for maxing an occasion, you just get 70 focuses. On the off chance that you decide to do push-ups all the better you can do on the PFT is a 270 - maxing the crunches and run too. One ought to consider what activities are better for him/her and be vital when taking this PFT. Nonetheless, if a Marine ought to have a shortcoming in some occasion, all endeavors ought to be taken to show signs of improvement at that occasion. Stomach Crunch There is a 2-minute time limit. Marines will lie level on their back with shoulder bones contacting the deck, knees will be bowed, and the two feet will be level on the deck. The arms will be collapsed over the chest or rib confine with no hole existing between the arms and chest/rib confine. A solitary reiteration comprises of raising the chest area from the beginning situation until the two lower arms or elbows at the same time contact the thighs, and afterward coming back to the beginning situation with the shoulder bones contacting the deck. An colleague/counter might be utilized to hold a Marines legs or feet. The new Marine matured 17-21 presently needs to score 105 crunches in a short time to max the test. Three Mile Run The objective is for a Marine to finish the deliberate course as fast as possible. This is a coordinated event. Monitors will get out the split or completing time as suitable, as every Marine Male passes. The run scoring has not changed. 18 minutes 3 mile coordinated run is a similar norm. Male - 3 Mile Run Maximum and Minimum Passing Scores Age Groups Greatest Time Least Time 17-20 18:00 27:40 21-25 18:00 27:40 26-30 18:00 28:00 31-35 18:00 28:20 36-40 18:00 28:40 41-45 18:30 29:20 46-50 19:00 30:00 51+ 19:30 33:00 Most extreme Points is 100 and Minimum Points is 40 for each age gathering Male - Pull-ups Maximum and Minimum Passing Scores Age Groups Max Reps Min Reps 17-20 20 4 21-25 23 5 26-30 23 5 31-35 23 5 36-40 21 5 41-45 20 5 46-50 19 4 51+ 18 3 Most extreme Points is 100 and Minimum Points is 40 for each age gathering Male - Crunches Maximum and Minimum Passing Scores Age Groups Max Reps Min Reps 17-20 105 70 21-25 110 70 26-30 115 70 31-35 115 70 36-40 110 70 41-45 105 65 46-50 100 50 51+ 100 40 Most extreme Points is 100 and Minimum Points is 40 for each age gathering Male Push-ups Maximum and Minimum Passing Scores Age Groups Max Reps Min Reps 17-20 82 42 21-25 87 40 26-30 84 39 31-35 80 36 36-40 76 34 41-45 72 30 46-50 68 25 51+ 64 20 Most extreme Points is 70 and Minimum Points is 40 for each age gathering More Information on the USMC PFT Standards So as to finish the semi-yearly wellness assessment, Marines must play out the base adequate exhibition necessities appeared in the diagrams. On the off chance that you are interested what your scores would be in the event that you plan for the test by taking the wellness test yourself some time before Boot Camp, Officer Candidate School, or The Basic School, look at this USMC PFT Calculator. For the total changes, point frameworks for singular occasions, see the Official USMC Fitness Page.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Life, Death, and Do You Need an Objective on a Resume

Life, Death, and Do You Need an Objective on a Resume Make sure that every single word in your resume is designed for offering you to an imminent boss. Your resume objective is a quick review of what you could flexibly the business continue caught in scarcely any sentences. Composing a target explanation at the pinnacle of your resume will help your peruser to remember your objectives and capacities, even on the off chance that you haven't demonstrated them on the work yet. Seeing how to name your resume is imperatively significant. What You Need to Do About Do You Need an Objective on a Resume There are various online mail locales available to make a specialist email. A suggested administration Skillroads can flexibly you with some supportive other options. There are basically 3 styles of resumes. On the off chance that you might want you can put more than one alternative. In the event that you don't have an expert email address, presently's the chance to make one. On the off chance that you might want to find out about various resume types. What Does Do You Need an Objective on a Resume Mean? My philosophy in regards to resumes has ever been, you might want to make it as basic as feasible for the business to see at a second's look which you're ideal for the activity. Except if you're a specialist visual architect, your resume doesn't need to seem as though it was delivered by a gathering of creatives. In the event that you pick not to fuse a goal, that is fine, however you have to give considered whether it might bolster you in accepting the recruiting chief's advantage. In the present harder than-intense occupation showcase, you should be in a situation to publicize yourself to land a work meet, and in the long run, a work offer. The objective of your resume is to make sure about you the meeting. For vocation changers, it's obviously better cling to the transferable aptitudes that would assist you with delivering the move from 1 profession to the next. A str ong temporary position continue objective is basic to stand apart as the perfect entry level position competitor. On the off chance that you might want to be an educator, you're compose a CV, and should you need work expertly, you're compose a resume. It is fundamental to give your resume an expert appearance. You would prefer not to give the impression which you continue changing your resume. A resume is something which you need when you're picking to apply for work. Think of it as an opportunity to deliver total horse crap appear to be engaging and proficient. Occupation wannabes should be watching out for a resume layout instead of an educational plan vitae format. Getting to layouts for resumes there should be possible utilizing the advantageous web indexes on the site. The typeface you select for your resume is crucial. Format for continue is a commonplace design that might be utilized for any work position. Basically, it's your absolute first chance to start splitting endlessl y from the pack. Because of how there are more fish in the lake'' for enrollment specialists to choose from, people are getting somewhat more edgy, plain and simple. The absolute first thing you should show is that you're an incredible communicator. By holding on to get moving on your resume until you truly need it, you face the peril of delivering an unpolished release. A professional resume is among the primary promoting and publicizing apparatuses an individual has when attempting to get a new line of work. The chief issue most people run over is the nonattendance of assets or proper direction when building up a resume. In case you're a senior-level proficient, begin searching for destinations that solitary handle your level or area of mastery. A far reaching comprehension of the guidelines associated with the food business is significant for request to be a productive Food Service Assistant. In the first place, it must be in a situation to produce a stunning synopsis at the high est point of page one. Composing can be a difficult activity. In any case in case you're setting up a resume for the absolute first time or reworking a current one, a resume format can be a huge assistance. Changing a Microsoft Word continue format is direct and makes the work search process a mess less complex. The Basic Facts of Do You Need an Objective on a Resume Use an Objective in case you're searching for a specific chance or an opportunitywithin a specific control. It is important that you have a distinct target as a primary concern. A goal is basic to state in which you have to go in your profession. In the event that you have the sole goal in an ocean of resumes, it just may give assistance. In the event that you select to remember a goal for your resume, simply make certain it's relevant to the activity which you are applying for. In the event that you decide to incorporate a goal explanation, ensure you have a focused on work, you recognize what abilities you wish to make reference to or you're going after a particular job. A few enrollment specialists worship the resumes which have a decent vocation target that states why the competitor is an incredible pick for the position and the business. Extend your goal to incorporate things like an influential diagram of why you're the best possible temporary position work applicant.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

How to Put Creative Writing on a Resume

<h1>How to Put Creative Writing on a Resume</h1><p>When you need to know how to put experimental writing on a resume, you need to remember that inventiveness is the initial step. Experimental writing is composed dependent on your own encounters and affiliations. These things can without much of a stretch be clarified in a resume or spread letter.</p><p></p><p>A essayist or individual who needs to put exploratory writing on a resume must comprehend that a resume must be proficient. This implies it ought to be written in an extremely basic and understandable manner. It ought not contain any linguistic or spelling blunders. The resume should be cutting-edge so it could be handily comprehended by the recruiting chiefs or supervisors.</p><p></p><p>The continue should be as short as could be expected under the circumstances. At the point when an individual has an extremely long resume it can look befuddling to the employing chief. A short resume won't just make you look all the more fascinating however it can likewise assist you with highlighting what precisely your aptitudes are.</p><p></p><p>You ought to have enough instances of composing. They could be explicit or general and could be about any subject. It can likewise incorporate subtleties of any books that you have perused or the movies that you have watched.</p><p></p><p>How to put exploratory writing on a resume ought to incorporate insights regarding your accomplishments. You could incorporate your work involvement with various fields like, business, clinical, IT, law, instruction, specialized and others. Every one of these encounters can be connected with your title. For instance, in the event that you are a lawyer, at that point you could interface it with the words' attorney.</p><p></p><p>How to put exploratory writing on a resume relies a great deal upon the introducto ry letter. The introductory letter can be written in an amazing manner. You can likewise incorporate a few examples of your composing capacities. Your resume ought to be kept to the point. This implies it should concentrate on what you bring to the table the organization. This implies it should concentrate on your accomplishments and commitments. It ought not concentrate on your weaknesses.</p><p></p><p>The resume ought to be sorted out so it could be handily gotten to later. It likewise should be alluring and simple to peruse. These characteristics can be effortlessly estimated through the composing ability.</p>